Friday, September 13, 2013

The Only 3 Bodybuilding Supplements you will EVER need!!!



Ok so everywhere you look supplement companies have a trillion products on the market, each claiming to be essential, or the next big thing, for muscle building!

I have been bodybuilding for a long time, and I know all this crap is just that- CRAP! Its just marketing gobbledegook and nuttin else!

If you eat six meals a day, high in proteins (chicken breasts, lean red meats, fish, egg whites), with a bit of carbohydrates (pasta, oatmeal), plus lots of vegies and fruits thrown in, drink lots of non-fat milk and a gallon of water- you are 90% there nutritionally!

Forget all those Pre-workout stimulants, they are loaded with caffeine and other lord knows what ingredients that end up giving some users heart attacks!

The Only supplements you will ever need are these!

1) Protein- preferably a combination of Whey protein during the day between meals and before and after workouts, and Casein protein before you go to bed in the night!

2) Creatine Monohydrate- tried and true supplement that give you boost in power when taken before your workout session. Very safe and very well researched and understood.

3) Vitamin C- this is a wonder vitamin that helps your body recover and rebuild after a heavy session at the gym. Also gets rid of free radicals in your system.  Take at least 1000mg a day.

So thats all you need.

Some people might suggest a multivitamin in there as well.

Personally I feel if your eating well you won't need a multivitamin. But if you wanna take one, it ain't gonna hurt.

Some might suggest taking some testosterone boosting products and minerals such as ZMA or a dedicated Zinc supplement. I used to take ZMA and never really saw any strength gains from them.

Anyhow those are my 3 recommended supplements for you to start packing on some serious muscle.

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