Tuesday, December 22, 2015

IMDB Force Awakens User reviews tells the Real story! - SPOILER- Its crap.

99% of IMDB users say the new Star Wars movie is crap- reboot- rehash- rework of A Hew Hope!

I knew this would happen. JJ and Disney do not have the spine or the creativity needed for something truly New! For that you need God. Lucas.

Hope Disney begs Lucas to come back for the next Episodes at least to write the story.

Here are some of the review headings that really hit home... :(

"It's like when an unknown Chinese manufacturer decided to make a fake iPhone"

"Critical Failure"


 "there is no more "the force", only the money..."

 "It's shameless plagiarism of the Original Trilogy and other movies/games"

"The force needs to go back to sleep"

"The Force just died...and so did my childhood"

"A New Hope, But Not"

"What a piece of junk"

"So this is how Star Wars dies...with thunderous applause."

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