Friday, May 1, 2015

How to fix a big nose- naturally. No surgery!

So you have a big nose. Maybe its crooked, broken, bent or just naturally big.
So what? Lots of people have big noses. Tom cruise, Harrison Ford, Chris Evans (Captain America), that guy in The Pianist and King Kong, just to name a few.

But if its really bothering you but you don't want to risk or afford surgery here are your best 3 options.

1. Grow your hair long.

This will offset your nose and make your head and proportions feel just right.

2. Do weightlifting!

By lifting weights and eating right not only will your self confidence improve along with your strength and size, but your facial and jaw muscles will harden and develop as well as your muscle in your body. This will widen your face and make your big nose seem just right. So your nose will not feel oversized in comparison to the rest of the body, anymore, because your body has got bigger as well.

3. Wear sunglasses.

Wearing shades such as large Aviators will not only hide most of your nose and the cusps of the sunglasses will actually squeeze the cartilage in the bridge your nose as your wear them and result in a reduction in the thickness of the nose bridge.

Also aviators look best and fit best on a big nose.

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