Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Upwork raising fee to 20%!!!

Upwork has gone bonkers! They have raised their fee from 10% to 20% for contracts that are $500 or less!! From $501 to $10,000 fee will be 10%. Above that fee will be 5%. Since 99% of all jobs are less than $500 this will be pretty bad for all Upwork freelancers.

First it was the stupid connects system with only 30 free job applications per month- now they raise the fee to 20%- What a monstrous loss.

They became too greedy after oDesk changed to Upwork.
They have almost no competition after they acquired eLance, so they are free to set any fee they want and we can do very little about it.

Man I am Unhappy! :(

Time to head to

If anyone still wanna stay on Upwork- apply for jobs there and get clients to pay you directly through PayPal or Payoneer. Simple. FUCK YOU UPWORK.

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